This Poet's Dream

These are the fluid lines that spill forth…

Month: May, 2012

Dual Passions

Waiting at the terminal
My heart is split between two cities
Much as my heart has two sides
I am existing in two realities
Both alike in Fair Verona
A combination of presence
And presents
And an overwhelming desire to fly
I am not alone in this life
I am seen by my guardians
The watchers who ensure
That I only stumble
That I do not fall
I may falter
Yet I rise again
Strength multiplying
Insisting I grow
I am boundless
Stretching between worlds
Yet I am still bound
Most frequently
By my deepest inclinations
The central flames of my being
Are ever moving closer
Toward the center
Breath causing the tiniest of waves
To expand, then retract
Sailing forth
Into the fray
I mould the clay
With gentle fingers
I whet my lips
With the spring of life

Parting Kiss

Oh, sweet and bitter reprise
Lips meeting
In a fashion of secret
This door is closed
So we kiss
Through the window
A moment
When all is swelling
Left with nothing
Except short breath
And a half smile
Paired with a casual glance
At the shadows of Lovers past


Tonight I make the call
Of a Lover’s dream
Cast in the shadows of my mind
Sent out
To the faces of Father Time
And Mother Sleep
Carry my desire
Along the river Seine
As the flame of my torch
Rises above all else this night

The Siren and The Satyr

Strewn amongst the leaves
Hoof prints obscure stems
Broken in haste
As the foot scampers through
Engendered not
The leaves begin decay
Movements quicken
Steep hills
Traversed with ease
A mournful voice
Echoes amidst the land of lovers lost
Movement slows
A rose petaled cheek
Meets rough hands
and the courtship begins

Wizard’s Eve

Twitch comes to life
As fingers string their way along
Roads melting into rivers
Songs escaping
Barely making
Room for breath
Yet pleased
The island fever pitches
Scores one more for the team
Rolling through the escapades
Traveling mind over matter
Blue hues fade to red
As the skies split
Gracing us with showers of light

Lover Dreaming

The essence of you lingers

In the air around me

I feel your fingers

Interlaced with mine

As the day begins to bleed

Through crimson curtains

I feel your heartbeat

Sounding in my chest

As I exhale

You are far away by miles

Yet your being is near

I love the very thought of you

Making moves within my bounds

Stretching me past them

With gentle urging

Pushing forward

Into the chasm of light

That you have opened

In my sphere

The channels run high

As we toss ourselves into the currents

Breath on reserve

Someone In Love

I became the hive

The day you flew away

I felt a bit like honey

Slow to move


Filled with sweetness

If only

If only

The bee who stole my heart

Knew the pathway home

As time passes

I cup the nectar of your love

With the chalice of my heart

I push myself forward

Into the darkest nights

Becoming the sun

As we ride along together

Even if only in dream time


New Yorkers are much like warriors of old

We carry many bags upon our backs

Shoulders laden with straps that dig creases into our flesh

Causing many pauses as we bump

Sometimes we apologize

Sometimes we curse

But we always move on

I Am Not Alone

My eyes see only yours at this dark hour

Winds rush through the trees

I rest my weary bones

Shadows play tricks on my mind

I reach for empty air and find you not

Yet still, I am found

For the flame of your heart

Burns ardent and and true

Within my stormy soul

Phantom Thoughts

It is late

I am on the local N

Eyes having scanned the scene

Every stop seeming to take just a bit longer

I am not anxious to return

There is a tight grasp on my arm

My body gives me only slight respite

There are days when I am so exhausted

I feel as though I will collapse

Yet I force myself to continue on

Perhaps I have set my eyes on the darkness for too long

Perhaps I have been too blind to see

Perhaps I have lost sight of the spark

There are many facets to this prism

Too long has this been built into a compound

We have been unable to reach through the boundaries

Until now

Until the time that our words have become an accurate expression

Of the true nature of our relationship

There are only so many ways to draw our swords through the earth

{Now is the time to ask for guidance}

There are no more reasons to hide

Either one way or another

This will play out as what it is meant to be

A direct manifestation of our personal use of will

Successful or disastrous

We move into the next phase of being