This Poet's Dream

These are the fluid lines that spill forth…

Month: April, 2013

Technical Difficulties

I have experienced unexpected events in several areas (including regarding my phone which I use to publish my writing) and have bowed out of the NaPoWriMo Challenge. There’s always next year! Check back next month for more poems!

NaPoWriMo 9/30: Haiku #36

Days brighten our hearts
As Fauna returns to us
Flora leads the way

NaPoWriMo 8/30: Present Voyage

Veils removed
Reveal a light less ordinary
Torching retinas
Sizzling skin
The solar flames becon
With a timeless draw
Our source of life roils about
Piqued by new refractions
Shocking even the most seasoned watchers
As our ship enters the Photon Band

NaPoWriMo 7/30: 29

Charts to my secrets
Are written in my palms
and calloused feet
The paths I walk
With a heavy step
Make deeper impressions
Into the earth
When I choose the way less traveled
This journey
Has many turns
This journey
Has pushed me
Dragged me
Encouraged me further
Seeking to activate the sparks of my soul
To light the way

NaPoWriMo 6/30: Haiku #35

Turning to face you
I am awash with a wave
That has tumbled hearts

NaPoWriMo 5/30: Early To Rise

Light spills in so early
Flooded eyes burrow under the pillow
Time is blurry
I fade in and out
You move to the bathroom
The closet
The couch
Quiet and still I watch you
Arranging your clothes
Pulling on boots
I notice jeans
It must be Friday
My favorite part of this sunrise tango
Is when you come to kiss me
Sometimes between my cheeks
Sometimes between my thighs
A pleasure spark shared
Is indeed a special treat
Sheets twisting
As you send me reeling

NaPoWriMo 4/30: Haiku #32, Haiku #33, and Haiku #34

Poking through soil
An idle nature moves
Yearning for sun

Pink curls blossoming
Among precise foliage
Signs of life emerge

Delicate balance
Life depends on water, rain
Spring is upon us

(I decided two days in a row of Haiku deserved a bit of extra effort!)


I have discovered that there is a collective called NaPoWriMo on facebook (I post from my phone, look it up, don’t be lazy…;)…) that has issued a challenge for one poem a day for 30 days. As I have already started, I have decided to join in the fun there, so some of the recent titles will be edited to reflect that change. Thanks, and happy reading! ~J

NaPoWriMo 3/30: Haiku #31

A hundred mirrors
Do not shine sun upon me
The same way, My Love

NaPoWriMo 2/30: A Stranger’s Journey

Even steps do not fall ahead of me
Yet the motion is fluid
A practiced walk is evident

Red striped shirt
Black jeans
Two white sneakers

Yet, something is different
This gait is unpredictable
One foot turned 90° inward

A lifetime of adaptation
Must have followed birth
Yet the smile remains

Walking on Main Street
Up to the day care center
To retrieve a most precious gift

As the door opens
I imagine a son’s face beaming back
In recognition of this man called Daddy