This Poet's Dream

These are the fluid lines that spill forth…

Category: Maui

A New Planet

I pledge alliance to the earth

And the magic for which she is

Sustaining life, and the pursuit of happiness

I pledge alliance to the trees

And the roots that mirror their branches

Breathing water and air through the process of mere existence

I pledge alliance to the oceans

And the current that flows twisting

Carrying life across the miles on and on and on

This planet is older than we are

And we have always had the answers

Buried within the systems and layers

Of soil that calls to be healed

Like Dorothy with her Ruby slippers

The answers are with us, here, now

Casting shadow and light

Stirring night into day once again

As the process continues

Claim your spot

And make sure that you know how to grow vegetables

Trade the ship for the spade

Build for yourself your home

Trading the concrete jungle

For fields and forests

Learn to listen to the land

And the secrets that she whispers

With every passing breath

And you will learn the way

To absolute freedom

Hand over hand

Gripping the axe and the mattock

A Teahouse Haiku

Swirling seas filling

The limits of the bowl, warm

Extended in hands

Seas of Change

Loving is like swimming in the ocean

Tides shift

We move with fluid motion

Casting net and shell aside

Taken by the currents

Washing through hearts

Until the sun rises again